December 3, 2021 – Newtown, PA (USA) The 2021 CPSA USA meeting led by Mike Lee, founder of the CPSA series of meetings and 2021 CPSA USA program chair, continues its 2021 program in digital format, featuring James Rudge as Imagineer, sharing his insight on Building Tomorrow Today at the Imagine Summit. Mike Lee was joined by Neil Spooner of Spooner Bioanalytical Solutions and Emily Ehrenfeld of New Objective, sponsors of the Imagine Summit, in hosting James of Neoteryx.
James emphasized the importance of clear communication to translate the realities of what is possible today and engage the non-scientist community. From patients to family members supporting patients, understanding the possibilities of today are not science fiction but a reflection of the pace of innovation can be facilitated with communications and connecting the science community to the non-science community.
James joins other Imagineers featured within the Imagine Summit as part of the CPSA annual events – USA, Europe and Analytics following its inaugural launch at CPSA Analytics in 2019. The Imagine Summit celebrates the core elements of CPSA, thinking big with a focus on the patient and how the innovations under development for the future can be accelerated as a solution for today.